Todays images are of 'Prinsjesdag 2011’ Procession on the 20th September 2011 at the Binnenhof and The Hague Centre. 'Prinsjesdag’ is when the dutch queen makes a speech on behalf the government to the dutch Parliament indicating the policies for upcoming parliamentary year. Todays photographs were taken on the 20th September … [Read more...]
Museum Weekend
Todays images are of various Museums in The Hague. Saturday and Sunday, April 2nd & 3rd 2011 is Museum Weekend in The Netherlands. During this weekend many of the museums will be offering free entry or reduced rates. The museum sites include former residential palaces and specially designed state of the art buildings. Here are some of the participating Museum's in … [Read more...]
The Hague Centre & Binnenhof
Todays images are of the Parliamentary heart of the Netherland, including the Binnenhof ('The Inner Court'), The 'Department van Justitie' buildings now used by the 'ministerraad' (Cabinet Office) and the Dutch Prime Ministers Office 'Het Torentje' (The little Tower). For additional images click on an image or To add a comment click on … [Read more...]