Todays images are of the Parliamentary heart of the Netherland, including the Binnenhof (‘The Inner Court’), The ‘Department van Justitie’ buildings now used by the ‘ministerraad’ (Cabinet Office) and the Dutch Prime Ministers Office ‘Het Torentje’ (The little Tower).
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IMAGE: The Hofvijver is a pond overlooked by the Binnenhof (the 'Inner Court'), the seat of the Dutch Parliament or Staten General.

IMAGE: Torentje, The Dutch Primeministers Office. The Binnenhof. The Hague (Den Haag). November 2010.
IMAGE: Binnenhof Courtyard. The Hague (Den Haag). November 2010.

IMAGE: The former 'Department van Justitie' Buildings, (Ministry of Justice Buildings). Built 1876 to 1883. Now used by the The ministerraad and the Hoge Raad van Adel. Located on the corner of The Plein and the Langepoten. The Hague (Den Haag). November 2010.
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