Todays images are of the Haagse Toren and views from the Haagse Toren taken on 12 September 2012. The 'Haagse Toren' (The Hague Tower) is one of the ten tallest buildings in The Netherlands and now provides the highest view of the city from The Hague City Balcony, on the 42nd floor. The Haagse Toren also known as the 'strijkijzer' for its architectural 'flat iron' … [Read more...]
Todays images are from the 'Wereldreis door eigen stad' (World tour through your own city) on Sunday 18th March 2012. When do you get an opportunity to visit two churches, a synagogue and a mosque in an afternoon? With the 'Wereldreis door eigen stad' I was able to visit the 'Beth Jehoeda' Synagogue on the Jan Evertstraat, the Mescid-i Aksa Mosque on the … [Read more...]
A Reflection of History – The Hague
Todays image is of the 'Gemeentemuseum’ Den Haag (Municipal Museum, The Hague) taken on the 2nd October 2011 on the last day of a mini heat-wave. The 'Gemeentemuseum’ Den Haag was designed by the famous Dutch architect H.P. Berlage. The museum displays historical as well as contemporary items and is renowned for its Mondrian collection, the largest in the … [Read more...]
Museum Weekend
Todays images are of various Museums in The Hague. Saturday and Sunday, April 2nd & 3rd 2011 is Museum Weekend in The Netherlands. During this weekend many of the museums will be offering free entry or reduced rates. The museum sites include former residential palaces and specially designed state of the art buildings. Here are some of the participating Museum's in … [Read more...]
The Hague Centre, Gevangenpoort and The Palace Noordeinde
Todays images (21st November 2010) are of the Gevangenpoort Museum, formerly a debtors prison, The Dutch Queens 'Working Palace' & Palace Gardens and local streets and avenues in The Hague City Centre. For additional images click on an image or To add a comment click on the Title of the Post. … [Read more...]