Todays images are of ‘de Haagse Puinduinrun 2013’ taken at Kijkduin on 27 January 2013.
The Hague Puinduin Run or ‘de Haagse Puinduinrun’ is organised by the RTC ( ‘Residentie Triathlon Club’ ) and is cross-country event run over some of the most difficult running terrain.
The Puinduin event runs over a ~3.2km cross-country course and the runners can choose to run one, two or three laps.
With ice and snow lying on most of the course from recent snow falls, the RTC Team were out the day before the event clearing the ice and snow from steep steps that forms part of the course.
On the day of the Puinduin Run not only did the runners have to handle some of the toughest inclines of any dutch cross-counry course, but also ice and snow underfoot, a cold North Sea wind and heavy directional rain.
Todays photographs were taken on 27 January 2013.
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For more photos, 300+ see ‘Puinduinrun 2013 – Kijkduin’ .
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